ADMINISTRATOR Services with most recent learning modules for administrator role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure Firewall |
AI EDGE ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for ai edge engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IoT Edge |
SQL Database |
AI ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for ai engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Container Registry |
Cloud Services |
Virtual Machines |
IoT Hub |
AUDITOR Services with most recent learning modules for auditor role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Purview |
Azure Policy |
BUSINESS ANALYST Services with most recent learning modules for business analyst role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Purview |
Data Explorer |
Comm. Services |
BUSINESS OWNER Services with most recent learning modules for business owner role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Synapse Analytics |
Azure Purview |
SignalR Service |
Azure Functions |
Event Grid |
Cloud Services |
IoT Hub |
Digital Twins |
Event Hubs |
BUSINESS USER Services with most recent learning modules for business user role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cloud Services |
IoT Hub |
Azure Blueprints |
Network Watcher |
Azure Firewall |
DDoS Protection |
DATA ANALYST Services with most recent learning modules for data analyst role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Monitor |
Azure Portal |
Azure Purview |
Data Explorer |
DATA ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for data engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Storage |
Managed Disks |
Azure Migrate |
Synapse Analytics |
Azure NetApp Files |
Azure Purview |
DATA SCIENTIST Services with most recent learning modules for data scientist role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Portal |
Azure Monitor |
Synapse Analytics |
Container Registry |
Azure NetApp Files |
Data Explorer |
Databricks |
Cloud Services |
DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR Services with most recent learning modules for database administrator role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Storage |
Database for MySQL |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure Migrate |
Azure NetApp Files |
Azure Purview |
Database for MariaDB |
DEVELOPER Services with most recent learning modules for developer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Managed Disks |
Azure Storage |
DEVOPS ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for devops engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Managed Disks |
Defender for Cloud |
Azure Storage |
Azure DevOps |
Azure Monitor |
Azure Portal |
Cloud Services |
Database for MySQL |
FUNCTIONAL CONSULTANT Services with most recent learning modules for functional consultant role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cloud Shell |
Cloud Services |
Synapse Analytics |
Azure AI Services |
HIGHER ED EDUCATOR Services with most recent learning modules for higher ed educator role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Defender for Cloud |
Information Protection |
Lab Services |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Portal |
Azure AI Services |
Power BI Embedded |
IDENTITY ACCESS ADMIN Services with most recent learning modules for identity access admin role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IP ADMIN Services with most recent learning modules for ip admin role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
K 12 EDUCATOR Services with most recent learning modules for k 12 educator role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual Machines |
Lab Services |
Azure Portal |
MAKER Services with most recent learning modules for maker role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Monitor |
IoT Central |
NETWORK ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for network engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Firewall |
Azure DNS |
Load Balancer |
Azure Front Door |
Private Link |
Azure Monitor |
Azure Portal |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Microsoft Entra DS |
Kubernetes Service |
Virtual Machines |
PRIVACY MANAGER Services with most recent learning modules for privacy manager role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Purview |
RISK PRACTITIONER Services with most recent learning modules for risk practitioner role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Purview |
SCHOOL LEADER Services with most recent learning modules for school leader role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual Machines |
Lab Services |
Azure Portal |
SECURITY ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for security engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Entra ID |
Managed Disks |
Azure DevOps |
Cloud Services |
SECURITY OPERATIONS ANALYST Services with most recent learning modules for security operations analyst role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cloud Services |
Azure DevOps |
Azure Purview |
Data Explorer |
Defender for Cloud |
Kubernetes Service |
SERVICE ADOPTION SPECIALIST Services with most recent learning modules for service adoption specialist role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cloud Services |
Azure DevOps |
Defender for Cloud |
Kubernetes Service |
SOLUTION ARCHITECT Services with most recent learning modules for solution architect role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure Storage |
Defender for Cloud |
Managed Disks |
STARTUP FOUNDER Services with most recent learning modules for startup founder role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure AI Services |
STUDENT Services with most recent learning modules for student role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Storage |
Virtual Network |
Cloud Shell |
Digital Twins |
SUPPORT ENGINEER Services with most recent learning modules for support engineer role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Purview |
Azure Bastion |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Portal |
App Service |
Virtual Network |
Load Balancer |
Azure Front Door |
Private Link |
Microsoft Entra DS |
Azure CDN |
TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Services with most recent learning modules for technology manager role | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure Storage |
Cloud Services |
Azure DevOps |
Azure Monitor |
Azure Portal |
Virtual Network |