REGIONS & DATACENTERS QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of availability in specific regions | ||||||||||||
App Service |
Azure Batch |
Azure AI Studio |
API Management |
Cosmos DB |
Data Explorer |
Azure AI Services |
Event Hubs |
Kubernetes Service |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Storage |
Azure Monitor |
Virtual Desktop |
VM Scale Sets |
PRICING & OFFERINGS QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of offerings and pricing conditions | ||||||||||||
VM Scale Sets |
Managed Disks |
Azure AI Services |
Azure NetApp Files |
Virtual Machines |
Kubernetes Service |
Azure Functions |
ExpressRoute |
App Service |
Azure Storage |
Azure Backup |
RETIREMENTS QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of partial or full retirements and feature deprecation | ||||||||||||
Azure Spring Apps |
Azure Orbital |
Azure Automanage |
Azure Policy |
Azure CDN |
Site Recovery |
Load Balancer |
Network Watcher |
VM Scale Sets |
SQL Database |
Microsoft Genomics |
Remote Rendering |
Azure Purview |
Confidential Ledger |
Database for PostgreSQL |
HDInsight on AKS |
Event Grid |
Azure AI Studio |
Logic Apps |
App Service |
Azure Monitor |
Azure AI Services |
HDInsight |
API Management |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Batch |
Kubernetes Service |
Azure Functions |
Azure Maps |
Azure Front Door |
Synapse Analytics |
Application Gateway |
Automation |
Container Apps |
VPN Gateway |
Machine Learning |
Container Registry |
Azure Sphere |
MANAGEMENT QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of management | ||||||||||||
Azure AD EI |
Azure Purview |
Azure CDN |
Azure Automanage |
Container Storage |
Private Link |
Azure Bastion |
Synapse Analytics |
Azure Lighthouse |
Copilot for Security |
Azure AI Studio |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
Carbon Optimization |
Container Apps |
SQL Database |
Managed Disks |
Database for MySQL |
Azure Front Door |
Azure Functions |
App Service |
VM Scale Sets |
API Management |
Azure Monitor |
Azure AI Search |
Virtual Network |
VNet Manager |
Virtual Desktop |
Kubernetes Service |
API Center |
Site Recovery |
ExpressRoute |
Azure AI Services |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Policy |
Azure Storage |
Event Hubs |
Azure Backup |
Logic Apps |
Power BI Embedded |
Cost Management |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Data Lake Storage |
Azure Key Vault |
Azure Batch |
Database for PostgreSQL |
Azure Arc |
Defender for Cloud |
Update Manager |
Microsoft Sentinel |
SECURITY QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of security | ||||||||||||
Azure AD EI |
Azure Purview |
Service Bus |
Playwright Testing |
Comm. Services |
Cost Management |
Azure Lighthouse |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
API Center |
API Management |
Azure Functions |
Azure AI Search |
Microsoft Entra ID |
VNet Manager |
Azure Bastion |
Virtual Network |
Kubernetes Service |
Azure AI Services |
App Service |
Application Gateway |
Azure Front Door |
Copilot for Security |
Update Manager |
Azure Monitor |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Backup |
Database for MySQL |
Azure Key Vault |
Container Apps |
Machine Learning |
Defender for Cloud |
Site Recovery |
Azure Storage |
Managed Disks |
Azure CDN |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Container Registry |
VM Scale Sets |
Logic Apps |
Azure Arc |
Azure Policy |
Cosmos DB |
SQL Database |
COMPLIANCE QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of compliance | ||||||||||||
Azure AD EI |
Azure Purview |
Azure Migrate |
Azure Automanage |
Private Link |
ExpressRoute |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
API Management |
Database for PostgreSQL |
Azure Policy |
Azure AI Services |
Azure Monitor |
API Center |
Kubernetes Service |
Site Recovery |
Virtual Network |
Virtual Machines |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Azure Storage |
Logic Apps |
OPEN SOURCE QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of open source | ||||||||||||
Container Registry |
Site Recovery |
Kubernetes Service |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
Azure AI Services |
SERVICES QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of recent updates | ||||||||||||
Azure Purview |
Azure Orbital |
Azure Automanage |
Microsoft Genomics |
Azure Lighthouse |
Web PubSub |
Managed Grafana |
Carbon Optimization |
Azure DevOps |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Container Apps |
Azure Functions |
Azure Policy |
Azure AI Studio |
Azure Arc |
API Management |
API Center |
Azure Monitor |
VNet Manager |
Virtual Network |
Load Balancer |
Kubernetes Service |
Virtual Machines |
Site Recovery |
Azure Firewall |
Copilot for Security |
Microsoft Fabric |
Azure Front Door |
Azure AI Services |
Application Gateway |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
Machine Learning |
Update Manager |
ExpressRoute |
Azure Storage |
Microsoft Dev Box |
Comm. Services |
Event Hubs |
Azure Batch |
Virtual Desktop |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure AD EI |
Azure Spring Apps |
Azure Key Vault |
Logic Apps |
App Service |
Service Bus |
Azure AI Search |
Cosmos DB |
Playwright Testing |
Azure CDN |
Defender for Cloud |
Azure Backup |
Container Storage |
VM Scale Sets |
Private Link |
Cost Management |
Lab Services |
Azure Maps |
SQL Database |
Database for MySQL |
Database for PostgreSQL |
FEATURES QUEUE Latest service mentions in context of new features | ||||||||||||
Playwright Testing |
Azure Sphere |
Azure AD EI |
Carbon Optimization |
Azure Policy |
Azure Monitor |
API Management |
Virtual Machines |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Virtual Network |
Azure NetApp Files |
VNet Manager |
Kubernetes Service |
Azure Chaos Studio |
API Center |
Web PubSub |
Data Explorer |
HDInsight |
App Configuration |
App Service |
Azure Functions |
Cosmos DB |
SQL Database |
Database for MySQL |
Database for PostgreSQL |
Redis Cache |
Logic Apps |
Service Bus |
Azure AI Services |
Machine Learning |
Application Gateway |
Azure Firewall |
Azure Front Door |
Azure Storage |
Event Hubs |
Container Apps |
Microsoft Dev Box |
Deployment Environments |
Azure AI Studio |
Azure Backup |
ExpressRoute |
Site Recovery |
Azure DevOps |
VM Scale Sets |
Managed Disks |
Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
Container Registry |
Update Manager |
Data Box |
Private Link |
Microsoft Fabric |
Azure Key Vault |
Defender for Cloud |
Load Testing |
Power BI Embedded |
Container Storage |
Data Lake Storage |
Azure Arc |
Azure Elastic SAN |
Azure CDN |
Databricks |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Azure Batch |
CycleCloud |