ENERGY Services with most recent stories in Energy Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Copilot for Security |
Machine Learning |
Databricks |
Synapse Analytics |
Power BI Embedded |
Data Factory |
Azure Storage |
Azure Backup DT |
Azure Monitor |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Data Lake Storage DT |
Azure Front Door |
Azure DevOps DT |
Kubernetes Service |
Azure Arc |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
IoT Hub DT |
Defender for Cloud DT |
OTHER Services with most recent stories in Other Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Azure AI Services |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Azure Lighthouse |
Machine Learning |
App Service |
Power BI Embedded |
Azure DevOps DT |
Kubernetes Service DT |
Azure Storage DT |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
Data Lake Storage |
Azure Front Door |
Application Gateway |
Azure Firewall |
Azure Key Vault |
Data Factory DT |
Container Registry DT |
Microsoft Fabric DT |
API Management |
Azure Backup |
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Services with most recent stories in Professional Services Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Fabric |
Data Factory |
Power BI Embedded |
Databricks |
Azure AI Services |
Kubernetes Service |
Defender for Cloud |
Azure Functions |
App Service |
Logic Apps |
SQL Database |
Azure DevOps |
Container Apps |
Event Hubs |
Machine Learning |
Synapse Analytics |
Service Bus |
AI Bot Service DT |
Azure Key Vault |
Azure Storage DT |
Azure NetApp Files |
Azure Monitor |
Virtual Machines |
Microsoft Sentinel |
NONPROFIT Services with most recent stories in Nonprofit Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Power BI Embedded |
Virtual Machines |
App Service |
Machine Learning |
Azure Firewall DT |
Azure Storage |
Service Fabric |
Azure AI Search |
Cosmos DB |
Data Lake Storage |
AUTOMOTIVE Services with most recent stories in Automotive Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Azure AI Services DT |
TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION Services with most recent stories in Travel and Transportation Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Databricks |
Service Fabric |
Power BI Embedded |
Virtual Machines |
Kubernetes Service |
App Service |
SQL Database |
Database for MySQL |
Azure DevOps |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure Storage |
Azure NetApp Files |
Microsoft Fabric |
Azure Monitor |
Azure Functions |
Azure AI Studio |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |
AI Bot Service |
Data Factory |
Azure AI Search DT |
Azure AD EI |
Cosmos DB DT |
Database for PostgreSQL DT |
Defender for Cloud DT |
RETAILERS Services with most recent stories in Retailers Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Machine Learning |
Virtual Machines |
Analysis Services DT |
Power BI Embedded DT |
Databricks DT |
SQL Database DT |
Data Factory DT |
Azure Storage DT |
Event Hubs DT |
Database for PostgreSQL |
Cosmos DB |
Kubernetes Service DT |
Azure AI Services DT |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Defender for Cloud DT |
Virtual Desktop DT |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |
Azure Purview DT |
Data Lake Storage DT |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
Azure AI Studio |
Application Gateway DT |
Microsoft Fabric |
CONSUMER GOODS Services with most recent stories in Consumer Goods Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Power BI Embedded |
Microsoft Fabric |
Azure Quantum |
Copilot in Azure |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Defender for Cloud |
Site Recovery |
SQL Database |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Data Lake Storage |
Virtual Machines DT |
Kubernetes Service DT |
Azure DevOps DT |
GOVERNMENT Services with most recent stories in Government Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Fabric DT |
Azure AI Studio |
Azure AI Services |
Power BI Embedded |
Machine Learning |
Databricks |
Data Factory DT |
Data Explorer DT |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |
Azure VMware Solution DT |
Virtual Machines DT |
ExpressRoute DT |
VPN Gateway DT |
Azure DevOps |
AI Bot Service |
App Service |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Azure Monitor |
Update Manager DT |
BANKING AND CAPITAL MARKETS Services with most recent stories in Banking and Capital Markets Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Cosmos DB |
Defender for Cloud |
Application Gateway DT |
SQL Database |
App Service |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
Azure AD EI DT |
DDoS Protection |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Azure AI Services DT |
Machine Learning |
Power BI Embedded |
Virtual Machines |
Kubernetes Service |
Container Registry |
Azure DevOps |
API Management |
Logic Apps |
Azure Firewall |
Azure AI Studio |
HDInsight on AKS |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Azure Monitor |
Service Bus |
Service Fabric |
Databricks |
MANUFACTURING Services with most recent stories in Manufacturing Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Backup DT |
Azure Firewall DT |
Azure Monitor |
Logic Apps |
Azure Functions |
Azure DevOps |
Synapse Analytics |
Azure Sphere |
Machine Learning |
Azure AI Services |
Azure AI Search |
Power BI Embedded DT |
Cosmos DB |
Databricks |
Virtual Machines |
Kubernetes Service DT |
Azure Arc DT |
Service Bus |
API Management |
Application Gateway |
Azure NetApp Files |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |
Azure VMware Solution DT |
Azure Migrate DT |
Cost Management DT |
Site Recovery DT |
HIGHER EDUCATION Services with most recent stories in Higher Education Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Azure AI Services DT |
Machine Learning DT |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Power BI Embedded DT |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
Microsoft Fabric DT |
Azure AI Studio DT |
Lab Services |
Virtual Machines |
Azure Monitor |
Azure Storage |
Azure VMware Solution |
Comm. Services |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Load Balancer |
App Service |
Cosmos DB |
Azure AI Search |
HEALTH PROVIDER Services with most recent stories in Health Provider Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Power BI Embedded |
Microsoft Entra ID |
Cosmos DB |
Azure Functions |
Service Bus |
Azure AI Services |
Machine Learning |
Azure Storage |
Databricks |
Synapse Analytics |
Virtual Machines |
App Service |
Kubernetes Service |
Azure Front Door |
Application Gateway |
Microsoft Sentinel |
Microsoft Fabric |
Azure Monitor |
Azure AI Search |
Defender for Cloud |
Logic Apps |
PARTNER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Services with most recent stories in Partner Professional Services Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual Machines |
App Service |
SQL Database |
Azure AI Services |
Machine Learning |
Azure AI Studio |
INSURANCE Services with most recent stories in Insurance Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual Machines DT |
Site Recovery DT |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Machine Learning DT |
Databricks DT |
Azure AI Search |
Azure AI Services |
App Service DT |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
Azure Firewall DT |
Azure Front Door DT |
Defender for Cloud DT |
Azure Backup DT |
Azure Bastion DT |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |
TELECOMMUNICATIONS Services with most recent stories in Telecommunications Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Machine Learning DT |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Power BI Embedded DT |
Azure AI Services |
Azure DevOps |
Azure AI Search |
Azure AI Studio |
Azure Functions DT |
Service Bus DT |
Cosmos DB DT |
HEALTH PAYOR Services with most recent stories in Health Payor Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Microsoft Fabric DT |
MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT Services with most recent stories in Media and Entertainment Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Logic Apps |
Azure AI Services |
Virtual Machines |
Kubernetes Service |
Machine Learning |
Cosmos DB |
FORESTRY AND FISHING Services with most recent stories in Forestry and Fishing Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Databricks DT |
Kubernetes Service DT |
Azure DevOps DT |
Synapse Analytics DT |
Power BI Embedded DT |
GAMING Services with most recent stories in Gaming Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Azure AI Services |
Azure DevOps |
PHARMACEUTICALS Services with most recent stories in Pharmaceuticals Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Logic Apps DT |
Azure AI Services DT |
SQL Database DT |
Microsoft Entra ID DT |
Azure Key Vault DT |
Defender for Cloud DT |
ExpressRoute DT |
Azure Storage DT |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Services with most recent stories in Primary and Secondary Education Industry Evidence Map | |||||||||||||||||||||
Defender for Cloud DT |
Microsoft Sentinel DT |